Saturday, November 2, 2019


Although some people see journalism as not profession, a critical look at how journalism framework is operated clears the air that journalism is indeed a profession. According to Oxford dictionary, a profession is a paid occupation, especially one that involves prolonged training and formal qualification. Per definition from Oxford dictionary, journalism to me can be classified as a profession since it is an occupation on its own; it involves prolonged training and needs formal education for someone to be fully classified as a professional journalist.
 Although some people do the work of journalism even though they are not trained journalists can never be classified as journalist just because they have not been trained and have not qualification. Just like any other profession, for example, teaching profession, some people who are not trained as a professional teachers or trained teachers, teach in various schools.
 Per the Oxford definition of profession, such people even though are paid at the end of the month do not qualified to be called professional teachers. Such incidence applies to journalism as a profession.
Sociologists although claim journalism is a craft or act that any mere person can learn and practice can never undermine journalism as not being profession. Journalism as a body is being regulated by an organization. For example, in Ghana Journalists Association regulated and control well trained profession in Ghana, If any mere person see journalism as a craft he or learns will never understand or know the principles of journalism; rights to people’s true information, social responsibility, professional integrity, plagiarism, respect for privacy and human dignity, respect for national and ethnic values, confidential etc. In Ghana for someone to be classified as a professional or well-trained journalist needs certificate from qualified educational institution such as Ghana Institute of Journalism etc.
The result of journalism being learnt as a craft is the reason why “Yellow journalism” is the reason why there many fake news in the society, all other things being equal. This is so because, they are not well trained journalists who do or practice pure journalism. Journalism goes beyond speaking or presentation or writing.
In democratic nations, journalism is being considered as the fourth arm of government that cross check, check role or watch of the activities of other arms of government including the legistrature, executive and judiciary. Such special mandate given to journalists requires a special that is well educated journalists to perform such role. “efie bia nia ens3 wom” usually stated as “efie bia mensa wom” which means” in every good situation, there as always bad exception. In various professions suck like teaching, doctors, bankers etc, people learn such without being trained from a qualified institution.
In conclusion, journalism can never be a profession to those who do not understand or know the pure work of journalism, but to me, journalism is and will always be a unique profession that needs unique people to undertake it. Journalism is a profession to me because; it has principles and code of ethics of how journalism should be practiced just like in the case of Ghana as Ghana Journalism Association regulates the activities of journalism in Ghana.
Also, anyone who wants to do or practice pure journalism needs to be trained and acquire certificate such like other profession, there are qualified institutions that give certificate to trained journalists just like Ghana Institute of Journalism, Lastly, journalism has a professional body, and example is Ghana Journalists Association in Ghana which controls and regulates the activities of journalism in Ghana.
Journalists as being described as the fourth arms of Government requires well trained personnel to undertake such unique profession who much be well trained, have certificated provided by qualified institution and much understand or know the principles, and the codes of ethics.
Anyone who learns journalism as a craft on his own is doing yellow journalism not a pure journalism. Journalism is always a profession.

1.       Canadian Journal of Media Studies, Vol. 4(1) (online)
2.       Journalism as the new knowledge profession and consequences for journalism education 2014, Vol. 15(6) 661–677  (online)
3.       Journalism as a High Profession in Spite of Itself. (online)
4.       A profession termed "Journalism" Manuel Fernández Areal, Ph. D. [C.V.] (online
5.       Why is Journalism a profession (online)

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you completely. Journalism is indeed a profession. Bravo. Good work done Boss. Keep it up
